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Hankman26's News

Posted by Hankman26 - November 7th, 2021

I lost a fan today... Also is anyone gonna tell me why there are no comments on any of my new art??????????? It makes me sad making new art and feeling like I get no attention :(


Posted by Hankman26 - October 30th, 2021

iu_458618_9337977.pngI forgot the game but go to @spookeez4evr , follow them, and then look at their favorite games. That will get you to where I made this.

Posted by Hankman26 - October 28th, 2021

why have you not checked out @spookeez4evr ? Why not!!!??? DO IT NOW!!!!!! DO IT!! They were one of my first scouts. So can someone here please scout them for me? I would if I could. They have had under 10 fans for too long now so hop to it. WHY ARE YOU STILL READING GO!!! Oh wait, look at these stupid yt things iu_457182_9337977.webp

idk why it says recommended for you, prob bc I watch eddsworld and squid game memes.


wtf is this

Posted by Hankman26 - October 14th, 2021

I reached 50 fans!!! Thank you all! It was a slow grow but we are half way to my goal! (100 before new year) We prob won't make it but I used to hope for 20 fans by the end of september lol.



Posted by Hankman26 - October 6th, 2021

Yeah I am back, I was not gonna take a dramatic break, I just needed a break, I was getting addicted and I would check back on my account every 30 seconds eager for attention. It was getting in the way of me focusing, I am still gonna be less active but I am here. I am working on more animations and the mod ( I have no clue what the name should be) currently. In terms of art I am working on history of hankman 4 I think and I am gonna due a bunch of pieces that all have something to do with @sweet-codestudios. It will be similar to @supercs ' EEEEEGGGGGGHHHHHHHZ ok I have no idea how to spell it but you get the gist.

While I was away, I finally beat hellclown in fnf! Ik I am not that good, it was on easy too.

I had a conversation with Ryeyumi!iu_438889_9337977.png See? I also kept getting these adds on youtube: iu_438890_9337977.png

I don't have a problem with the LGBTQ+ community but like, come on, this is stupid.

I think that was it, hopefully the mod will come out February. For those of you who don't know it will have me, @0urcast @InvaderDaniel @Sweet-codeStudios @Supercs ' cousin spider man and @djgreenjes' blackspot. Sorry for the pinging guys. :( . Anyway I am back now 1v1 me in madness roulette I dare you, I am a god at that game. TONIGHT AT 9:30 EASTERN US TIME!


Posted by Hankman26 - September 29th, 2021

I am taking a break from newgrounds. I will still be on for the rest of the day but I will be taking a break from it. I have alot of other things going on so I will focus on that stuff, I just won't be active as much. I need to work on the mod and school. Speaking of the mod, would you guys rather my and @0urcast as the spooky boys of @invaderDaniel and @Sweet-CodeStudios as the spooky boys, vote down below. In other news the art contest for Hankman antipathy is still going on, probably till thanksgiving. It has been a thing for so long i could already choose the winner but I want to see more submissions. Anyways see you all later! <3


Posted by Hankman26 - September 22nd, 2021


Posted by Hankman26 - September 19th, 2021

No intro lets just get into the tagging people @0urcast @8Bit-Seb @BEANS645 @chalk-outline @DevonRex101 @DjGreenJes @ElectricSakura16 @Healmore6969 @hjgj @JashKingMegaCheese @JulioSky @littewolf49 @macrod @MOt7070 @NotNene @parra86rar @prosonicscool2 @Spookeez4evr @SuperCs @Theepicpump @TrueWolfully @Xeazzy0 @ysporquix2 @7henderGames @Azerka @cat911 @DaftPeanut43 @Diamondmanpixel76 @EdwardPlayer @Gabriel1384 @Henry238 @InvaderDaniel @JossueTheMegaCrack @JossueTheMegaCrack @JunoEddleman @livyliv47 @Manuh3 @NoobyGotHit @OwlyIsHere @Primchilla @Rherdalaezian @starnerdunderthesea @Sweet-CodeStudios @ToxicMad @whiteknight2458 @ysporquix . PHEW ok so about the madness day animation. It is not gonna be posted today I know I said that some long time ago but I changed my mind. I will be posting it probably at 12:00 am September 22 (eastern time USA and Canada). Still not gonna say what it is but I am so hyped for Wednesday. In other news @Supercs, @Djgreejes and I are working on an fnf mod together. I am thinking that it will be similar to the vs imposter mod where there are different weeks and different characters. One character will be Cousin spider man created by Ian. One of them will be blackspot created by Jessie. And then I will have a week. Ian will work on the art, Jessie will work on music, and I will do the coding / sprite sheets. Anyways we have a pretty long news here so here is ANOTHER teaser to my madcom animationiu_422377_9337977.webp.

Alright I will see you all in the next one. <3 Oh and here is a link to my beta mod video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QY64NzvOBXU&t=7s



Posted by Hankman26 - September 10th, 2021

Hey everyone. Hankman here. I have created a yt channel and would be most grateful if you, my loyal followers could go and subscribe! Anyways, I might not be able to post any art today bc of personal reasons. Here is my link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qE4b6NkxrIw .




Posted by Hankman26 - September 5th, 2021

So I was on google searching up my account when I came across this. If you didn't see it it was a failed animation that I posted twice (the second time with improvements) and it was just never meant to be. Apparently the page exists for it https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/rip/811675 . Also the hankman art contest is still going on and this same day I found this! https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/dotbutnewgrounds/h-ank-man some guy had made fan art without realizing! And it is antipathy so weather he wants to or not it is going in the competition! Now I want everyone to see this so...

@0urcast @BEANS645 @chalk-outline @Diamondmanpixel76 @ElectricSakura16 @georgeealien @Henry238 @InvaderDaniel @littewolf49 @MOT7070 @NotNene @parra86rar @prosonicscool2 @starnerdunderthesea @Sweet-CodeStudios @ToxicMad @whiteknight2458 @Yosos @ysporquix2 @Azerka @cat911 @DevonRex101 @DJGreenJEs @Gabriel1384 @Healmore6969 @hjgj @JunoEddleman @Macrod @NoobyGotHit @OwlyIsHere @Primchilla @Spookeez4evr @SuperCs @Theepicpump @Xeazzy0 @ysporquix . Wait there are 2 ysporquix I am so confused. Anyways, yeah there is a contest going on, for more details look at the last news page. And Madness Day Animation will come out at 12:00 am September 22 Eastern Time. Be there. (maybe not at 12:00 I will handle that part.) Anyways since I made this so long here is another teaser:

iu_410310_9337977.png It is nothing big. Anyways, see you in the next one. <3
