So you want to build an audience but don't listen to a comment that directly links your behaviour to losing some of said audience?
Good luck with that.
Is My pfp is sideways or is it j me
Joined on 5/28/21
So you want to build an audience but don't listen to a comment that directly links your behaviour to losing some of said audience?
Good luck with that.
Look the people that I want to follow me are not snowflakes that get offended because they get mentioned in a news post. I think I know what I am doing.
I am not gonna change who I am for 2 people to like me.
son 2 cuentasXD
@Hankman26 I agree with you hundred percent
wait how? With that thing about losing followers?
When's it ending? (My schedule changed causing me to not be active like usual)
Depending on submisions I will either end it on Christmas, Thanksgiving, or Halloween.
Well you lost 2 followers, including me, since you posted this. People don't like being tagged on random shit.
eh the audience I want will come. And if you don't want to be part of my journey then that is fine. Because you know what? I don't care!